Name Numerology Calculator

Chaldean Name Numerology: Understanding Vibrations and Meaning Through Your Name

Chaldean Name Numerology, an ancient practice from the Chaldean civilization, suggests that each name carries a unique energy. It operates on the belief that the numbers corresponding to letters in our names can reveal deep aspects of our personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life purpose. By using this numerical approach, called Chaldean Name Numerology, individuals can gain valuable insights into their character and their journey.

The Chaldean Name Numerology Chart

In Chaldean Numerology, each letter is assigned a unique number that helps us calculate the name number. Here’s the chart:

Chaldean Name Numerology Calculator

How to Calculate Your Name Number

To find your name’s vibration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify the Numerical Value: Using the Chaldean chart, find the value of each letter in your name.
  2. Add the Values Together: Sum these values to find your “Name Number.”
  3. Reduce to a Single Digit (if needed): If the sum is a two-digit number, add the digits together again until you get a single-digit result.


Let’s say a person named "Ashu" has a birth date of 14th August 2002.

  1. Birth Number Calculation: For the birth date (14), add 1 + 4 = 5.
  2. Life Path Number Calculation: Add the digits of the date, month, and year (1 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2) to get 17, which is further reduced (1 + 7 = 8).
  3. Name Number Calculation: Assign the values to each letter in "Ashu" (A=1, S=3, H=5, U=6). Adding these gives 15, which further reduces to 6 (1 + 5 = 6).

In this case, Ashu’s Name Number is 6, which aligns well with Birth Number 5 and Life Path Number 8, so no change is recommended.

The Power Behind Each Number

In Chaldean Numerology, each number carries specific qualities:

  • 1: Independence and leadership
  • 2: Cooperation and harmony
  • 3: Creativity and communication
  • 4: Stability and organization
  • 5: Adventure and change
  • 6: Responsibility and family
  • 7: Introspection and spirituality
  • 8: Authority and ambition
  • 9: Compassion and global understanding

Importance of the Right Number Combination

For an auspicious name, Chaldean Numerology suggests aligning your name number with favorable numbers, typically 1, 3, 5, or 6. This compatibility supports smoother progress and balance in life. However, some situations may call for unique combinations, allowing flexibility based on individual needs.


Chaldean Numerology opens doors to self-discovery through the power of numbers, offering a way to connect with our inner traits and life journey. By calculating your name number, you can understand the natural vibrations influencing your life and make informed choices about your path and personal growth.

For those interested, online name numerology calculators based on the Chaldean method are available, allowing quick insights into one’s name vibrations and guidance for potential name adjustments.