There are 9 numbers in numerology and each number represents a different phase of our life. These nine numbers are divided into three parts:
Numbers 1,2 and 3 three numbers represent the early age of life which is called Bachpan Avastha.
Numbers 4,5 and 6 three numbers represent the middle period of life which is called Yuva Avastha.
Numbers 7,8 and 9 three numbers represent the ending period of life which is called Vrudh Avastha.
If any number from 1,2 or 3 is missing in your date of birth then you can face some problems in your childhood. Number 1 is the son, number 2 is the mother and number 3 is our teachers. The role of these three is very high in our early life, so these three numbers represent our childhood.
If any number from 4,5 or 6 is missing from your date of birth then you can face some problems in the middle period of your life. Number 4 is money and wealth, number 5 is stability and number 6 is happiness, luxury, partner, etc. We need all these things in the time of our youth, so this number shows the middle time of our life.
If any number from 7,8 or 9 is missing in your date of birth then you can face some problems in the last period of your life. Number 7 and 8 is spirituality and karma. These numbers help to find the real purpose of life and number 9 is moksha because it's the last number in numerology. These three numbers represent the last stage of our life.
Explaining this concept is very hard in writing so we suggest you watch this video which is mainly based on the life period concept. Here is the video which you should watch.
What are the remedies for missing numbers?
Every number has a different role and every number has a different element so there many remedies which can be done to cure the bad effects of missing numbers. We have written an article for you where all remedies are given in detail with the effect of each missing number.
Find remedies here - Remedies for missing numbers.