4,9 and 2 Number in Numerology | Mental plane in Numerology | Lo Shu Grid Plane

The Upper portion of the lo shu grid chart represents the upper portion of the body.

  • Such people remember every single thing that happens to them.
  • Such people keep trying to do something different.
  • Such people are very creative and imaginative.
  • Such people have the ability to think as well as action.
  • Such persons should do such work which requires more mind than body.
  • Such people have more interest in maths and science.
  • Such people like any topic, then leave it after finishing it.

Career  - Such people should choose a career that requires more mind than body hard work. Engineering, Programmer, Banking, etc.

Relationships - In relations, such people make decisions using both heart and mind. As long as the decisions are taken from the heart and mind, as long as everything is fine, but when start making decisions from the mind only, then have to face some problems.

Number 4


Number 9


Number 2


  • Number 4 - Growth, Financial Stability, and Wealth.
  • Number 9 - Will power, Energy, Enthusiasm.
  • Number 2 - Mental Stability, Relationships.

4+9+2 = Growth + Will Power + Action = Success.
(One of the Very important plane in Numerology)

What to do if you have any missing numbers in 4, 9, and 2?
If You have any missing numbers from 4,9, and 2 then do remedies for positive vibrations of these numbers. 

Select Your Birth Number (Mulank)

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