Numerology : Numerology success numbers | 6 and 7 number in numerology

The number for Success in numerology - METAL ELEMENT

7 and 6 are two numbers of metal elements. The metal element is responsible for family support, happiness, luxurious life. it's a very important element in the date of birth. One who does not have a metal element in the date of birth has to struggle a lot in their whole life

7 number in Numerology




The person who has 7 in date of birth learn from their experience and also learn through loss. As age increases the attention of such people goes towards spirituality. 7 number is responsible for consistent study and good career.

 Impact of missing number 7

  • Hindrance in the work and studies
  • Such a person doesn't have family support.
  • Such a person doesn't get success even after efforts.
  • The struggle is more and Success is less.
  • There is a mental disturbance

Remedies for missing number 7

  • Feed the dog and crow bread by soaking it in milk. 
  • Wear a silver metallic watch in hand.
  • Look at the feet before doing any work.
  • Worship Lord Ganesha.
  • Remove defective electrical things from the house.

6 number in Numerology




This number is very important because this number is of happiness and luxury life. Number 6 is of charm, health, beauty, love, care, friendship, and good relationship. 6 numbers are attracted towards beauty and they are more focused on worldly pleasures. they are good advisors and compassionate towards their work. They like to do their work in an organized way.

 Impact of missing number 6

  • Lack of happiness.
  • Despite having money, don't get happiness.
  • Lack of enjoyment and luxury life.
  • Relationship with family is bad. (often the father)
  • Don't able to express their feeling.

Remedies for missing number 6

  • Wear a golden metallic watch
  • Use perfume daily
  • Wear yellow clothes on Friday
  • Donate white things on Friday, like clothes, curd, milk, etc.
  • Wear a silver chain.

Best Remedy for 7 and 6 missing numbers.

Hang a metal wind chime (White or Metallic color) of 5,6 or 9 rode in the west direction, Hanging with red color ribbon will be more beneficial. it will activate the metal element of your house, that's how lacking of the metal element will be solved. Windchime is a very powerful tool in feng shui, Do this remedy and when you get their results, then comment here.

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  1. My child date of birth is 29/7/2019 at 23.43 hrs in kolkata.
    Which name number suits her As per neurology?
